Under and by virtue of the authority vested in the undersigned Trustee, by that certain Substitution of Trustee dated January 5, 2014, of record in the Office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Wood County, West Virginia, in General Lien Book 1853, at page 509, and by that certain Deed of Trust dated April 11, 2011, executed by WRECO, LLC, a West Virginia Limited Liability Company, securing Williamstown Bank, Inc., of record in the aforesaid Clerk’s Office in General Lien Book 1647, at page 138, and said Deed of Trust providing that the Trustee on being required so to do by the holder of the Promissory Note secured by said Deed of Trust, should sell the hereinafter described at public auction, and default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby and having been requested so to do, the undersigned will sell at public auction on
Wednesday, January 28, 2015, at 10:00 o’clock a.m.,
at the front door of the Wood County Courthouse in Parkersburg, West Virginia, that certain real estate situate in the District of Williams, County of Wood, and State of West Virginia, more particularly bounded and described as follows:
TRACT I: Beginning at a iron pipe found in the common line of Denzil and Dorothy E. Nolan (DB 653/PG 494) and JABO INCORPORATED (DB 939/PG 391) thence with new dividing lines through the aforesaid Nolan tract as follows: N. 19õ 39’ W. crossing the center of a 25-foot wide right-of-way at 238.34 feet a total distance of 205.40 feet to an iron pipe found; thence N. 1õ 05’ 01ã W. 120.06 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rebar set; thence N. 45õ 53’ 02ã E. 135.97 feet to a 1/2 inch rebar set; thence N. 68õ 07’ 54ã E. 284.55 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rebar set; thence S. 54õ 32’ 56ã E. passing the center of a 50-foot wide right-of-way and a 20-foot wide right-of-way at 127.94 feet a total distance of 230.98 to a ½ inch rebar set in line of the aforesaid JABO INCORPORATED; thence with line of same S. 43õ 09’ 52ã W. 650.29 feet to the beginning; containing 3.94 acres, more or less, and shown on a plat by Scott F. Stewart, Professional Land Surveyor, dated September 25, 1995, of record in Deed Book 1000, at page 98.
TRACT II: Beginning at an iron pipe found in the common line of the Denzil and Dorothy E. Nolan property, as recorded in Deed Book 653, Page 494, Wood County Records, at the southwest corner of a 3.94 acre parcel of land conveyed to Nolan Industrial Coatings; thence S 43-09-52 W a distance of 105.38 feet to an iron pin set; thence N 42-27-59 W a distance of 204.74 feet to a 3/4ã diameter iron pipe set; thence N 49-50-49 E a distance of 184.83 feet to a 5/8ã rebar set; thence S 19-39-15 E a distance of 205.34 feet to a 2ã diameter pipe found at the place of beginning, containing 0.655 acre more or less, and shown on a plat by Vernon Surveying Co., Professional Surveyors, dated June 20, 1997, of record in Deed Book 1000, at page 98.
Together with that certain non-exclusive, easement and right to use the 25-foot right-of-way shown as a â25’ WIDE R/W TO 1.772 AC. TRACTã, which right-of- way is more particularly described in a Deed dated August 19, 1994, from Denzil W. Nolan, et ux, to Steven D. Mossor, et ux, of record in the Office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Wood County, West Virginia, in Deed Book No. 934, at Page 826, and a non-exclusive easement and right to use any other right-of-way or easement reserved or excepted by Denzil W. Nolan, et ux, and which is useful or beneficial to Tract I or Tract II.
Prior Deed Reference: Book 1000, at page 98.
Also that certain 50’ Right of Way for ingress and egress dated April 16, 2007, from Denzil W. Nolan to WRECO LLC, of record in the aforesaid Clerk’s Office in Deed Book 1112, at page 303.
TERMS OF SALE: Said property will be sold for cash in hand on the day of sale, or acceptable letter of credit, by auction to the highest bidder. The sale shall be further subject to the following:
(1) Real estate taxes delinquent, due and payable or to become due and payable;
(2) Any statutory lien or liens that have priority over the subject deed of trust that may affect the property;
(3) Any and all validly existing and continuing covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, easements and rights-of- way of record in the chain of title to the property or affecting title to the property;
(4) Such matters as could be ascertained by a current survey or physical inspection of the property;
(5) The property will be sold AS IS, WHERE IS, in its present condition with all faults and defects, if any, and without any warranty express or implied.
Any sale hereunder may be adjourned from time to time without notice other than oral proclamation at the time and place appointed for the sale.
Dated this 5th day of January, 2015.
/S/: Steven R. Hardman
Substitute Trustee
Jan 12, 19