
Public Notice

CASE NO. 21-0812-PWD-30B
Rule 30B application to pass through increased costs of purchased water from the Newell Company to the District’s water customers.
NOTICE is hereby given that Tomlinson Public Service District (District), a public utility, has filed with the Public Service Commission of West Virginia, an application to increase its rates and charges for furnishing water service to 1,803 residential customers, 39 commercial customers, 6 industrial customers, and 22 public authorities customers across its three service areas.
Commission Staff has reviewed the District’s application and recommended that the District be permitted to raise its rates and charges to recover increased costs of purchased water it pays to the Newell Company. The Commission has approved Staff’s recommended rates, on an interim basis for services rendered, that increase rates by an average of $0.43 per 1,000 gallons. The Commission also approved Staff recommended project rates upon substantial completion of the project in Case No. 20-0598-PWD-CN. The average monthly bill based on the average monthly usage for the various classes of customers will be changed as follows:
Schedule 1 interim rates compared to current Schedule 1 rates:
($) INCREASE Residential
$1.51 Commercial $12.99 Industrial
$23.26 Public Authorities $7.96
(%) INCREASE 4.53% 5.32% 5.39% 5.23%
Appendix B Page 2 of 2
Schedule 2 interim rates compared to current Schedule 2 rates:
($) INCREASE Residential $1.50 Commercial $12.99 Industrial
$23.26 Public Authorities $7.95
(%) INCREASE 3.63% 5.08% 5.24% 4.86%
Schedule 3 interim rates compared to current Schedule 3 rates:
($) INCREASE Residential $1.51 Commercial $12.99 Industrial
$23.27 Public Authorities $7.96
(%) INCREASE 5.24% 6.27% 6.72% 5.80%
Completed Project rates compared to previously approved Project rates:
($) INCREASE Residential $1.51 Commercial $12.99 Industrial
$23.27 Public Authorities $7.96
(%) INCREASE 3.08% 4.47% 4.83% 4.08%
The Rule 30B procedure is designed to provide for a change in rates and charges in order to produce additional revenue sufficient, but no more than sufficient, to offset increased cost for gas, water, sewage treatment, or electricity or for transportation of the same to utilities. Consequently, protest should be limited to the reasonableness of the cost offset and the method by which it is calculated. Anyone desiring to protest or intervene should file a written protest or notice of intervention within twenty (20) days following the date of this publication unless otherwise modified by Commission order. Failure to timely intervene can affect your rights to protest any rate increases or to participate in future proceedings. Requests to intervene must comply with the Commission’s rules on intervention. All interventions may be mailed and be addressed to the Executive Secretary, Public Service Commission of West Virginia, P.O. Box 812, 201 Brooks St. Charleston, WV 25323, or hand-delivered. Protests may be filed on line through the Commission website using the “Submit a Comment link or may be mailed or hand-delivered to the Executive Secretary at the address above.
WDT Jan 18, 2022