

PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Board of Zoning Appeals of Fayette County, West Virginia, at a regular meeting on February 2, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. or immediately thereafter will consider the following applications for Special Use Permits, Variances or Appeals as required by the Fayette County Unified Development Code. The hearing will be held in the county commission meeting room on the first floor of the Fayette County Courthouse, Fayetteville, West Virginia. Protest petitions may be filed on or before February 2, 2015. (Tabled) V-298-14-1: Request of American Electric Power, Owner, for a Variance as required in Section 1 Article 1002 and in reference to Section 2001.4 (R-R District), for the purpose of construction and maintenance of an electric power substation, on property legally described as, 27.37 AC, Lot 30 Big Bend New River, Lot 31 Big Bend New River and Lot 33 Big Bend New River, New Haven District. 1-15-THR-1-FT; LG 43
