







PAPER: Parkersburg News and Sentinel


PURPOSE OF THIS NOTICE: The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) is announcing its proposed remedy decision for the Chemours FC LLC (formerly DuPont Washington Works) facility located in Washington, West Virginia, under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), as amended. WVDEP proposes a final remedy that is comprised of a program of monitored natural attenuation in conjunction with the continued control, capture, and treatment of contaminated groundwater and the implementation of institutional controls to protect public health and the environment.


FACILITY DESCRIPTION: The 1,200-acre facility site is located at 8480 DuPont Road along the Ohio River in Washington, West Virginia, approximately seven miles southwest of Parkersburg, West Virginia. The site also includes Blennerhassett Island, located upstream of the plant in the Ohio River, where one of several site groundwater extraction well fields is located. The facility is located in an area of industrial and residential land use. Residential areas are located within one mile on the southern, eastern, and western boundaries of the site. Immediately adjacent to the western boundary of the site are the Sabic Plastics (formerly General Electric Plastics) plant and two industrial warehouses. The northern side of the site is bounded by the Ohio River, which flows from east to west. A heavily wooded and hilly 250-acre closed solid waste landfill (i.e., Local Landfill), owned by E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (DuPont), is located contiguous with the site on its southern boundary. The eastern side of the site is bounded by U.S. Route 50, Robert Byrd Highway. Residential areas are located within one mile on the southern, eastern, and western boundaries of the site. Since it opened in 1948, the facility was expanded to manufacture hundreds of products for the automotive and construction industries that include compounded engineering plastics, nylon molding pellet and filaments, acrylic molding compounds, polyvinyl butyral, acrylic resins, fluoroplymers and polyacetal products. Currently, the manufacturing operations reside on about 200 acres of the site and consist of many operating service divisions that span nearly a mile along the Ohio River.


INFORMATION AVAILABILITY: A Statement of Basis for the proposed remedy decision is available at the WV DEP website at http://www.dep.wv.gov/dlr/oer/superfund/Pages/default.aspx. The Administrative Record, which contains all the information considered in WVDEP’s proposed decision, is available at West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, 601 57th Street, Charleston, WV 25301. For additional information, contact Charles Armstead, RCRA Corrective Action Program Manager by phone: 304-926-0499 ext. 1130, fax: 304-926-0457, or email: [email protected]. The Administrative Record is also available for public review in the Parkersburg and Wood County Public Library, 3100 Emerson Avenue, Parkersburg WV 26104 (Phone Number: 304-420-4587).


COMMENT PROCESS: Those wishing to comment on WVDEP’s proposed decision must submit comments to WVDEP within the 30-day comment period, which ends 06/10/2015. Interested persons may also request a public hearing on this proposed remedy. All comments and/or requests for a hearing must be submitted in writing via mail, fax, or email to the RCRA Corrective Action Program Manager, Charles Armstead, as listed above. All comments will be considered in making a final decision.


FINAL DECISION: WVDEP will make a final decision after considering all comments, consistent with applicable RCRA requirements and regulations. If the decision is substantially unchanged from the one in this notice, WVDEP will issue a final decision and inform all persons who submitted written comments or requested notice of WVDEP’s final determination. If the final decision is significantly different from the one proposed, WVDEP will issue a new public notice explaining the new decision and will reopen the comment period.



May 11

