STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DIVISION OF WATER AND WASTE MANAGEMENT PUBLIC NOTICE WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION’S, PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICE, 601 57TH STREET SE, CHARLESTON, WEST VIRGINIA 25304-2345 TELEPHONE: (304) 926-0440, TDD: (304) 926-0493 and VOICE-TO-TDD RELAY: 1-800-422-5700. APPLICATION FOR A CLASS 5 UNDERGROUND INJECTION CONTROL PERMIT Public Notice No.: DC-35-15 Public Notice Date: July 15, 2015 Paper: The Register-Herald The following has applied for a Class 5 Underground Injection Control Permit for this facility or activity: Application No.: 1426-15-081 Applicant: RALEIGH COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 151 CRANSTON DR. BECKLEY, WV 25801 Facility: Liberty High School 1700 Coal River Road Glen Daniel, WV 25844 Latitude: 37 : 47 : 44 Longitude 81 : 19 : 57 Business conducted: Public School Activity: Dispose of sanitary waste into a septic tank and leachfield system The State of West Virginia will act on the above application in accordance with the West Virginia Legislative Rules, Title 47, Series 13, Section 13.24 issued pursuant to Chapter 22, Article 11 and Article 12. Any interested person may submit written comments on the draft permit and may request a public hearing in writing within thirty (30) days of the date of this public notice. Comments or requests should be addressed to: Director, Division of Water and Waste Management, DEP 601 57th Street SE Charleston, WV 25304-2345 ATTN: Connie Anderson, Permitting The public comment period begins July 15, 2015 and ends August 14, 2015. Comments received within this period will be considered prior to issuance of the permit. Correspondence should include the name, address, and telephone number of the writer and a concise statement of the nature of the issues raised. A public hearing may be held if the Director determines there is significant public interest in one or more issues relevant to the draft permit. The application, draft permit or factsheet may be inspected by appointment at the Division of Water and Waste Management, between 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on business days. Copies of the document may be obtained for a nominal fee. For further information contact the person identified above at (304) 926-0495, or Fax (304) 926-0496. 7-15-WED-1-RH L 3191