REQUEST FOR BIDS The Council on Aging, Inc. is accepting bids on a 6 foot x 8 foot double sided sign with 32 x 112 full color LED display. It has thermoformed Makrolon SL faces decorated on inside surface with 3M vinyl graphics and 12 inch deep extruded aluminum hinged cabinet. Bids will be accepted until noon, April 23, 2014. For further specifications contact the Council on Aging at (304) 294-8800. Please mark “sealed bid” on the envelope to: Council on Aging, PO Box 458, Mullens, WV 25882. The COA reserves the right to reject any or all bids. The COA does not discriminate based on age, sex, race, creed, color, national origin, or handicapped status. 4-21-TUE-2-RH; L 2835