

REQUEST FOR BIDS MOBILE COMMAND VEHICLE Greenbrier County Homeland Security and Emergency Management is accepting sealed bids for the purchase of a Mobile Command / Operations Vehicle. Detailed sealed bid specifications, questions and/or clarifications can be requested By Email Only to: [email protected]. Sealed Bids will be accepted by mail or hand delivery until 4:00 p.m. on May 11, 2015. Completed Bid packets can be sent to GCHSEM, PO Box 218 (USPS) or 173 Arbuckle Lane (Shipping Company), Maxwelton, WV 24957. All must be clearly marked “MEOC SEALED BID” Any bid not meeting this requirement will not be accepted. GCHSEM is not responsible for Sealed Bid packages that are not delivered by the deadline. The completed apparatus bid must be available for pickup no longer than 30 days from the announcement of the bid award (Issuance of a Purchase Order). GCHSEM reserves the right to refuse any or all bids for any reason. 4-24-FRI-2-RH; L 2857
