

REQUEST FOR BIDS The Wyoming County Public Library Board is seeking bids to replace a section of the roof on the Oceana Public Library located at 1519 Cook Parkway. Bids must include the full cost, including parts and labor, of installing a metal roof or a roof with lifetime shingles, on the original library building. The roof of the new addition will not be included in this bid. The new roof must comply with all local, state and federal regulations. Bids must be received by 5:00 p.m. on July 15, 2015. Bids may be mailed to PO Box 130, Pineville, WV 24874, or delivered in person to any Wyoming County Public Library branch during library hours. For questions contact Caroline Gaddis at (304) 732-6899. To arrange to view the Oceana Public Library call (304) 682-6784. 7-13-MON-2-RH L 3152
