
Rich Creek bids for sidewalk enhancements

Legal 2 col x 2”
0601 0608 0615

Town of Rich Creek is requesting sealed bids for Phase 3 sidewalk enhancements along the West Side of Old Virginia Avenue from Woodland Ave. to Riverside Ave. Phase 3 Base Bid includes the construction
of new sidewalks with curb and gutter, brick seat walls, signage, site furnishings, street lighting, and planting.
This project is funded by TEA-21 funds through VDOT with DBE requirements.
Sealed bids will be received at 3:00 PM. on June 26th in the Rich Creek Town Office.
A non mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on June 11th at 11:00 AM at the Rich Creek Town office building.
Bid documents can be downloaded from Hill Studio’s Dropbox website. Trasco Printing can print these documents for your use. Printing costs are the bidders responsibility. For login information to website please contact: Amy Saunders at Hill Studio, Tel: 540-342-5263.