Author: Clay Free Press

2023-C-000110 Teresa Holley

Legal 3 col x 4-3/4” 1003 1010 1017 (2023-C-000110 – Clay County – ASTRALLIX) To: TERESA HOLLEY, BONNIE LIMING, or heirs at law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors, assigns, all known heirs, guardians, conservators, fiduciaries, administrators, lienholders, co-owners, other parties having an undivided interest in the delinquent property, and other parties[Read More…]

2023-C-000012 Darrell Holmes

Legal 3 col x 4-3/4” 1003 1010 1017 (2023-C-000012 – Clay County – TIM CASTO) To: JULIA HOLMES, or heirs at law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors, assigns, all known heirs, guardians, conservators, fiduciaries, administrators, lienholders, co-owners, other parties having an undivided interest in the delinquent property, and other parties that[Read More…]

2023-C-000013 Julia Holmes

Legal 3 col x 4-3/4” 1003 1010 1017 (2023-C-000013 – Clay County – TIM CASTO) To: JULIA HOLMES, or heirs at law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors, assigns, all known heirs, guardians, conservators, fiduciaries, administrators, lienholders, co-owners, other parties having an undivided interest in the delinquent property, and other parties that[Read More…]

2023-C-000014 Shawn Ramsey

Legal 3 col x 4-3/4” 1003 1010 1017 (2023-C-000014 – Clay County – TIM CASTO) To: SHAWN RAMSEY, or heirs at law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors, assigns, all known heirs, guardians, conservators, fiduciaries, administrators, lienholders, co-owners, other parties having an undivided interest in the delinquent property, and other parties that[Read More…]

DOT Contract 2023830010

Legal 3 col x 3-3/4” 0926 1003 WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Division of Highways NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Bids will be received electronically by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways through the Bid Express Bidding Service ( and by sealed proposals (only when prequalification is waived) being[Read More…]

Clay Co Schools Mental Health Therapy Services

Legal 2 col x 1-1/4” 0926 1003 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL MENTAL HEALTH THERAPY SERVICES Clay County Schools is accepting Proposals from qualified licensed providers to provide mental health therapy to K-12 students. Qualified providers must have experience working in the school system and be able to bill Medicaid and other[Read More…]

Sheriffs Real Estate Delinquent List 2024

Legal 6 col x 20” 0926 1003 1010 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S REAL ESTATE DELINQUENT LIST Notice is hereby given that the following described tracts or lots of land or undivided interests therein in the County of Clay and the tax liens that encumber the same which are delinquent for the[Read More…]

Notice of Admin SHREINER

Legal 2 col x 3-1/2” 0926 Notice of Administration to Creditors, Distributees & Legatees Notice is hereby given that the following estate(s) have been opened for probate in the Clay County Clerk’s Office at P.O. Box 190, 246 Main Street, Clay, WV 25043-0190. Any person seeking to impeach or establish[Read More…]

2023-C-000055 Walter Hicks Estate

Legal 3 col x 5” 0919 0926 1003 (2023-C-000055 – Clay County – GARNET GAS CORPORATION) To: WALTER HICKS ESTATE C/O BILL STEVENS, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, CREDITORS & ASSIGNS OF WALKER HICKS & BILL STEVENS, or heirs at law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors, assigns, all known heirs, guardians, conservators,[Read More…]

Notice of Admin CLOSSON

Legal 2 col x 3-1/2” 0919 Notice of Administration to Creditors, Distributees & Legatees Notice is hereby given that the following estate(s) have been opened for probate in the Clay County Clerk’s Office at P.O. Box 190, 246 Main Street, Clay, WV 25043-0190. Any person seeking to impeach or establish[Read More…]
