
Doddridge County Commission 2015 Sidewalk/Paving Project

Doddridge County Commission

2015 Sidewalk/Paving Project


Notice of Request for Statements of Qualifications for Engineering Services: The Doddridge County Commission is in the process of obtaining Statements of Qualifications from qualified engineering firms detailing the firm’s qualifications, technical expertise, management and staffing capabilities, references, and related prior experience. Professional services will include but are not limited to providing engineering consulting services for various tasks related to pavement and sidewalk improvements in the vicinity of the Doddridge County Courthouse. Procurement of said services will be in accordance with Chapter 5G of the WV State Code, 24 CFR Part 85.35 and 85.36 and applicable federal regulations meeting OMB Circular A-102 requirements. Qualified firms/ candidates interested in being considered for this project must submit five (5) copies each of: 1) letter of interest; 2) statement of qualifications; 3) technical experience; 4) expertise of staff; 5) persons who will be in charge of the project; 6) previous professional experience; and 7) references. Submit the requested information to the Doddridge County Commission, Attention: Mr. Gregory L. Robinson, 118 Court Street, West Union, WV 26456 no later than 3:00 p.m. on July 14, 2015 in order to receive consideration. The object of this competitive process is to objectively select the engineering firm that will provide the highest quality of service at a realistic fee. Accordingly, technical qualifications and experience will be weighed heavily. Based on evaluation of the proposals, at least three firms will be invited to submit additional information and be interviewed. The candidate judged most qualified will be asked to prepare a proposal including fixed fees for said services. The Doddridge County Commission reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. The Doddridge County Commission will afford full opportunity for minority- and women-owned business enterprises to submit a show of interest to this invitation and will not discriminate against any interested frim or individual on the grounds of race, creed, color, sex, age, handicap, or national origin in the award of this contract. Additional information concerning this proposal can be obtained by contacting the Doddridge County Commission at (304)-873-2631.



Jun 30, Jul 7
