

010061859 April 20, 27

The West Virginia Network for Educational Telecomputing (WVNET), is selling
248 LTO-4 tapes; Sun/Storagetek – Used
1 Sun SL500 tape library w/ 2 LTO4 drives and 4 expansions with FC connections – Used
WVNET will need a certificate of data destruction for all tapes.
Please send all bids to: Chief Procurement Officer, WVNET, 837 Chestnut Ridge Road, Morgantown, WV 26505 with "RFB 01602" on the outside of the sealed envelope. Bids will be accepted until 1PM, May 7, 2015.

This bid may be viewed at:



NOTICE OF SALE Take notice that pursuant to the writ of execution, dated February 11, 2015, issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Mercer County, West Virginia, in Civil Action 14-C-620-DS, the following property will be offered for sale at public auction to the highest bidder on April, 23, 2015, at 3:00 p.m. at 1406 Honaker Avenue (across from the Mercer County Board of Education Central Office), Princeton, West Virginia: 1979 Pontiac Trans Am vehicle identification number 2W87Z9N127331 1980 Jeep vehicle identification number JOM83AC729073 Big Dog Ridgeback motorcycle vehicle identification number 5J11YBJ116W001566 1999 Pace – Cargo Sport trailer, 10 foot ,model CS610SA vehicle identification number 40LFB1016XP053395 miscellaneous automobile parts Playboy magazine collection (1979 through May, 2012 with some issues missing) Terms of sale: Cash. The sale will be without warranty relating to title, possession, quiet enjoyment or the like. Dated: April 2, 2015 Don Meadows, Sheriff of Mercer County 304-487-8364
