

010067573 July 2

Pursuant to WV Code SS38-14-5 and the authority vested in the undersigned by that certain lease agreement entered into by Bellatrix Industries, LLC dba Cheat Lake Storage and/or Cheat Lake Storage, LLC (Lessor) and Mariea Cress Ham and Jeffery Hamm, G & P Properties, Melanie Keener, Karen and/or Michael Koehnlein, and Alan Lindsay (Lessees) and further pursuant to the default of the Lessee of the terms and conditions of said lease agreement, the undersigned will enforce the self service storage lien authorized by WV Code SS38-14-5 as contained in the said lease agreement. Accordingly, a public auction of the personal property shall be held at Cheat Lake Storage. The auction or destruction of property will be on or after _August 8, 2015_ at 11:00 am. Inspection of the property may be had one half hour before the auction. Cash in hand on day of sale. Call 304-296-9601 to confirm auction date.

Cheat Lake Storage, LLC
Cheryl Lynne Johnson Lyons, JD
858 Tyrone Road
Morgantown, WV 26508
