

PUBLIC HEARING MEETING: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2015 4:30 p.m. BLUEFIELD ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 200 ROGERS STREET NOTICE OF HEARING ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Notice is hereby given that the following has been appealed from the action of the City Manager in refusing to grant the following zoning permits: ITEM 1: Application # 10216 by Westminster Presbyterian Church to erect a 42in. high aluminum fence, on top of rock wall and a 6ft. high chain link fence around playground area. (Zoning: RMF) Fence to be used for a fence enclosure and for safety, on my property located at 2005 Washington Street between Washington Street, Bay Street, Jefferson Street and Albemarle Street, Lot 7, 1- 6, Section No. 854 or County Map 33, Parcel No. 236,237. REASON FOR REFUSAL: Section 23-36 Accessory uses in residential areas. (a) Fences or enclosure walls. (1) A fence or enclosure wall shall not exceed a height of three (3) feet when located along the front lot line or when located on any side line, from the front lot line to the setback line. All wire fences are prohibited along front and side lines, except by approval of the zoning board of adjustments. (2) A fence or enclosure wall along a street, whether side or rear, shall not exceed three (3) feet in height. ITEM 2: Application # 10218 by Tony Papa to use a room inside the house for telephone repairs as a home occupation (Zoning: R-1) Room to be used for telephone repairs on my property located at 509 Parkway between Hillside Drive, Parkway, and Clovis Street, Lot No.10, Section No.946 or County Map 27, Parcel No. 176. REASON FOR REFUSAL: Section 23 – 32 Special exceptions: The board of adjustment may authorize any uses in the following table: #12 – Home Occupations A public hearing will be held in the Board of Directors Room, the New Municipal Complex at 200 Rogers Street, Bluefield, West Virginia on Thursday, February 12th at 4:30 pm. If you have questions, you may contact me at 304-327-2443. If you wish to either support or file an objection to the application, you may do so in writing prior to the public hearing or you may appear at the meeting. Bobbi Kersey, City Clerk
