Notice is hereby given that under authority of that certain Deed of Trust hereinafter described, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will by virtue of authority vested in him at the front door of the Pendleton County Courthouse in Franklin, West Virginia,
AT 11:10 A.M.
DECEMBER 11, 2015
offer for sale certain property described in that deed of trust executed by Noel Nededog to Jeffrey S. Bowers, Trustee, which Deed of Trust is described as bearing date the 30th day of September, 2013, and of record in the Office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Pendleton County, West Virginia, in Trust Deed Book 142, at Page 657, and given to secure Almost Heaven Habitat For Humanity, Inc. (aka Almost Heaven Habitat For Humanity), a West Virginia nonprofit corporation; as well as a deed of trust described as bearing date the 30th day of September, 2013, and of record in the Office of the Clerk aforesaid, in Trust Deed Book 142, at Page 679, and given to secure Almost Heaven Habitat For Humanity, Inc. (aka Almost Heaven Habitat For Humanity), a West Virginia nonprofit corporation; and a deed of trust described as bearing date the 30th day of September, 2013, and of record in the Office of the Clerk aforesaid, in Trust Deed Book 142, at Page 692, and given to secure Almost Heaven Habitat For Humanity, Inc. (aka Almost Heaven Habitat For Humanity), a West Virginia nonprofit corporation; and a deed of trust record in the Office of the Clerk aforesaid, in Trust Deed Book 142, at Page 705, and given to secure Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh, via Pendleton Community Bank, and the Beneficiaries, the payment of certain indebtedness represented by notes therein described, of which property is described as being situated on the southeast side of the South Branch and Pendleton County Route 220-12, Franklin District, Pendleton County, West Virginia, and being more particularly described as follows:
Unit No. 10 of
River Bend Gardens
All of Unit No. 10 of River Bend Gardens, together with all appurtenant non-exclusive easements and rights of way, as the same are shown, illustrated, and designated upon that plat of survey entitled “Plat of Survey showing River Bend Gardens as a Common Interest Community prepared for Almost Heaven Habitat For Humanity,” prepared by Mark C. Geary PE, PS, WV PS No. 1523, of Geary Associates, PLLC, which said Plat of survey is of record in the office of the Clerk of the Pendleton County Commission, recorded on June 23, 2010, in Map Book 7, Page 74, and being the same real property granted and conveyed to Noel Nededog by Deed dated September 30, 2013, from Almost Heaven Habitat For Humanity, Inc. (aka, Almost Heaven Habitat For Humanity) and recorded in said Clerk’s office in Deed Book 193, at Page 510, to which references are herewith made for all pertinent purposes.
The Grantor further granted and conveyed unto the Grantee, his heirs and assigns, all rights of way and easements appertaining to the aforesaid real estate.
This sale and the conveyance of title to the above described real property will be by Special Warranty. Environmental warranties disclaimed and subject to all covenants, restriction, easements, rights of way and reservations which may be a matter of record in the aforesaid Clerk’s Office or visible upon the ground, all prior liens and encumbrances, including, with limitation. The subject property will be sold as “AS IS” condition. The Trustee shall be under no duty to cause any existing tenant or person occupying the subject property to vacate said property.
This sale is also made subject to the rights of tenants under the Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act of 2009. Neither the Trustee nor the holder of said note(s) makes any representation or warranties as to the existence of any leases or other occupancy agreements affecting the subject property.
The real property taxes on the above described property will be prorated as of date of sale and any excise tax shall be paid by purchaser as well as recording costs upon recordation of said special warranty deed.
FEDERAL TAX LIEN: In the event there are Federal Tax Liens against the property, the United States would have the right to redeem the property within a period of 120 days from the date of such sale or the period allowable for redemption under local law, whichever is longer.
TERMS OF SALE: Twenty Percent (20{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c}) in hand on day of sale or evidence of credit acceptable to the secured party, and balance at closing, not to exceed thirty days. Announcements made at sale take precedence over any written notice or advertisement.
The undersigned trustee reserves the right to reject any and all bids received, and to continue said sale from time to time, upon announcement thereof given verbally, on day of sale and any continuance thereof. The secured party reserves the right to purchase the property at such sale.
Persons interested in viewing the property may contact Bowers & Bowers, PLLC, PO Box 849, Franklin, West Virginia 26807, (304) 358-3333.
DATED this 2nd day of November, 2015.
P.O. BOX 849
(304)358-3333 12-3-2c