Public Hearing
The Region VIII Solid Waste Authority will conduct a public hearing to solicit ideas, opinions and comments from the general public on the update to the Comprehensive Litter and Solid Waste Control Plan for Region VIII. Copies of the plan are available for review in the public library, at the county clerk’s office, and at the Region 8 Planning and Development Council office near Petersburg, WV.
The hearing will be held in the Region 8 office building conference room, Grant County Industrial Park, Petersburg, WV. The hearing will be at 10 a.m. on February 25, 2015. The proceedings will be recorded and comments received will be considered in the development of the final plans.
The public is invited to submit oral and written comments at the hearing. For those who cannot attend the hearing, written comments will be accepted until 4 p.m. March 9, 2015 and will be included in the minutes of the public hearing. Comments may be mailed to the Region VIII Solid Waste Authority, P.O. Box 116, Petersburg, WV 26847. 1c