Downtown Parkersburg
Historic District
The Downtown Parkersburg Historic District in Parkersburg, Wood County, West Virginia, was listed in the National Register of Historic Places on November 16, 2023.
The area that was listed includes approximately 28 acres of Parkersburg, encompassing portions of Juliana St., Market St., Avery St., Second St., Third St., Fourth St., Fifth St., Sixth St., Seventh St., Eighth St., Williams Court Alley, and Phillips Court Alley. A copy of a map depicting the boundary can be obtained by contacting Cody Straley, National Register Coordinator, at the State Historic Preservation Office at 304.558.0220 or at [email protected]
Listing in the National Register, the Federal government’s official list of historic properties worthy of preservation, results in the following for historic properties:
1. Consideration in planning for Federal, Federally licensed, and Federally assisted projects. The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation must be given an opportunity to comment on all Federally funded or licensed projects affecting listing properties. For further information, see 36 CFR 800.
2. Eligibility for Federal tax provisions. The Federal Internal Revenue Code encourages the preservation of depreciable historic structures by allowing favorable tax treatments for rehabilitation, and also provides for charitable contributions for conservation purposes of partial interests in historically important land areas or structures. For further information, see 36 CFR 67.
3. Eligibility for State tax provisions. Homeowners Residential and Commercial/Income-
producing tax credits are available for historic properties which are rehabilitated and meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation.
4. Consideration of historic value in the decision by the State or Federal government to issue a surface coal mining permit where coal is located. For further information, see W. Va. Code R. ยง 38-2.
5. Eligibility for Federal and/or State grants-in-aid, whenever funds are appropriated by Congress and/or the West Virginia Legislature.
A copy of the nomination, the criteria used for evaluation, and additional information on the National Register process and results of listing are available from the State Historic Preservation Office, at the Department of Arts, Culture and History, The Culture Center, 1900 Kanawha Blvd. East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0300 during business hours. Inquiries may be directed to Cody Straley, National Register Coordinator, at 304.558.0220 or at [email protected].
Dec 4