
Public Notice


Attention Vendors: The Jackson County Solid Waste Authority (JCSWA) is requesting sealed bids for a new 4-Wheel Sit-Down AC Electric Lift Truck, with a minimum load capacity of 5,000lbs. For those interested in submitting bid proposals, a copy of the lift truck specifications can be obtained by contacting Rick Buckley at 304-372-5538 (between the hours of 9:00am and 3:00pm M-F).

Sealed bids must be received by 4:00 PM, December 19, 2023. Submit bids to:
Attention: Julia Gump, Secretary, Jackson County Solid Waste Authority,
P.O. Box 800, Ripley, WV 25271, or Email at Julia.Gump@

The JCSWA reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids, in full or in part, and to negotiate alternate specifications and costs pursuant to this Request for Bids.

The JCSWA does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, national origin, or gender in consideration for award. JCSWA is a Political Subdivision of the State of West Virginia and is thereby eligible for government procurement discounts including West Virginia State Bid Pricing. The JCSWA was awarded grant funds for this project from the WVDEP’s Rehabilitation Environmental Action Plan (REAP). Therefore, please contact REAP at 1-800-322-5530 if you wish to report your bid submission.
Dec 4, 11
