


Wood County Commision proposes to build the following antenna structure for the purposes of wireless communications services, located at
39‚10á44.432ãN (NAD 83),
81‚40á50.861ãW (NAD 83). This is a self support tower with an overall height of 350á feet above ground level (AGL), xx feet above mean sea level (AMSL), the structure is to be marked/lighted with med-dual system (red lights and medium intensity white lights, FAA Style E).

Interested persons may review the application by going to:
and entering the Form 854 File Number xxxxxxx;

Interested persons may raise environmental concerns about the proposed structure by filing a Request for Environmental Review with the Federal Communications Commission;

The Federal Communications Commission strongly encourages interested parites to file Requests for Environmental Review online, and that instructions for making such filings can be found at:

The mailing address for interested parties that would prefer to file a Request for Environmental Review by paper copy: FCC Requests for Environmental Review, Attn: Ramon Williams, 445 12th Street SW, Washington, DC 20554

Jul 19