The undersigned Substitute Trustee, by virtue of the authority vested in him by that certain Deed of Trust dated October 14, 2003, and duly recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Pendleton County, West Virginia, in Deed of Trust Book 96, at Page 417, Connie E. Mowery and Paula S. Mowery did convey unto Jay P. Geary, Trustee, certain real property described in said Deed of Trust; and the beneficiary has elected to appoint Richard A. Pill as Substitute Trustee by a Substitution of Trustee recorded in the aforesaid Clerk’s Office; and default having been made under the aforementioned Deed of Trust, and the undersigned Substitute Trustee having been instructed by the secured party to foreclose thereunder, will offer for sale at public auction at the front door of the Pendleton County Courthouse, in Franklin, West Virginia, on
Friday, January 9, 2015, at 11:30 AM
The following described real estate, with its improvements, easements and appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate in the Mill Run District, Pendleton County, West Virginia, and more particularly described as follows:
All of those certain tracts of parcels of real estate, together with any and all buildings, improvements, rights of way and appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate in Mill Run District, Pendleton County, West Virginia, and being more particularly described as follows:
Tract No. 1: Beginning at two fallen pines and a stone on high ridge near a road, I. T. Kile’s corner and with a line of same N. 76 W. 23-3/4 pole to a stone on Kile’s line corner to the High Ridge School House Lot and with a line of same N. 36 W. 16 pole to a stone Kiles and Susan R. Georges corner, and with a line of the latter N. 27-1/2 E. 81.15 poles with Georges line crossing a drane to a white oak by a road corner of same S. 78 E. 20 pole to a dead pine and a hickory sapling I. N. Mowerys corner and with lines of the same N. 40 E. 38 pole to a white oak stump and red oak tree S. 81 E. 24.18 pole down a hollow to a hickory corner of same S. 62 E. 60 pole crossing a hill and down a hollow to three hickories corner of same N. 7 E. 47.15 pole crossing a hollow and along a hillside to a hickory corner of same N. 84 E. 30.14 pole down a hill crossing a hollow to a stake on a hillside corner of same N. 2-1/2 E. 25 pole along a hillside to a stake on Elijah Wetsels line and with the same S. 87-1/2 E. 90.12 pole up a hill to a double chestnut Oak Wetzels corner S. 63 W. 21.15 pole to a pine stump and stone A. V. Kisers corner S. 43 W. 66 pole with Kisers line down a hill passing a corner to a pitch pine on a ridge corner of same S. 14 E. 50 pole crossing a hollow to a white oak on a ridge corner of same S. 16 E. 12.14 pole crossing a hollow to a white oak John A Lough corner S. 12-3/4 E. 48.22 pole crossing a hill and hollow to a stake on David W. Lough line and with the same S. 65-1/4 E. 75 pole down a hill and crossing a hill to a white-pine stump by a road S. 25 W. 51 pole along the foot of a hill to a large white oak Lough corner S. 27 W. 13.8 pole along a hill and crossing a drane to a white pine corner of same S. 33-1/2 W. 21.15 pole along a ridge to a white oak stump and stone William W. Harman’s corner and with a line of same N. 61-1/2 W. 5 pole crossing a drane to a large hickory J. W. Harman corner and with lines of the same N. 44-3/4 W. 13 pole up a hill to a pine and chestnut oak corner of same S. 69 W. 26.18 pole up a hill to two black oak saplings corner of same N. 51-1/4 W. 23.19 pole along a hillside and crossing a drane to a large leaning white oak in a hollow corner of same N. 47 W. 68.20 pole joining to and running with I. T. Kiles line up a ridge to the beginning, containing inclusively 197 acres be it the same more or less.
Tract No. 2: Beginning at a Spanish oak in Mill Hollow and a drain, a corner of the Elijah Whetzel lands; N. 80 E. 16 poles crossing a drain to a stake on a hillside near a pine and white oak; S. 8 W. 66.8 poles along a hillside and crossing a drain and hollow to two white oaks on a hillside; S. 81-1/4 W. 5.76 poles along a hillside to a hickory sapling against same hill; S. 27 ¾ W. 66.80 poles along the top of a ridge to a stake by a chestnut oak pointer; S. 8-1/4 W. 36 poles along same hill to a small yellow pine S. 34-3/4 W. 22.68 poles to a stake by a line fence between two chestnut oaks; S. 60 E. 31 poles down a hill to Mozer’s line; N. 7 E. 47.15 poles to a hickory on a hillside N. 84 E. 30.58 poles crossing a hollow to a stake on a hillside near a bunch of dogwoods; N. 2-3/4 E. 25 poles to a stake, Elijah Whetzel’s line; N. 78 W. 1 pole to a large white oak; N. 2-3/4 E. 131 poles to the beginning, containing 28 acres 3 rods and 38 square rods.
Tract No. 3: Beginning at a small white oak sapling on a hillside, at a division of same and the A. T. Cook land S. 88-1/4 E. 152 poles to a stone; thence S. 39 W. 34 poles to two pines and two white oaks S. 61 E. 34 poles leaving said line and up a ridge to two white oaks and a black oak and hickory against a hillside I. N. Mowery’s corner, and with a division line with him S. 69 E. 104 poles crossing two ridges and two hollows to a large white oak and maple sapling by a drain in Mill Hollow N. 11-1/2 W. 50 poles crossing a ridge to two white oaks and two ironwoods against a bank on the former line; and at the mouth of Mill Hollow and N. 8 E. 65-1/4 poles to the beginning, containing 52-1/2 acres, more or less.
There is excepted and reserved and not herein conveyed a tract of 6 acres, 3 rods, and 12 square rod out of the above described 52-1/2 acre tract by deed dated March 9, 1920, and of record in Deed Book 53, at Page 257.
Tract No. 4: Beginning at a Span oak at a foot of a slate bank by a run, corner to Elijah Whetzel and others, N. 9 W. 159 feet to a locust sapling, S. 79 ½ W. 262 feet to a stone in Jacob Mongold’s line and with same S. 9-1/2 E. 159 feet to a pine tree corner to other lands of the said George E. Cook and with same N. 39 ½ E. 15 poles to the beginning, containing 105 square poles, more or less.
At the time of the execution of the Deed of Trust, this property was reported to have a mailing address of HC 62, Box 46, Upper Tract, WV 26866.
The above-described property will be sold subject to any covenants, restrictions, easements, leases and conditions of record, and subject to any unpaid real estate taxes.
The subject property willbe sold in “AS IS” condition. The Substitute Trustee shall be under no duty to cause any existing tenant or person occupying the subject property to vacate said property.
TERMS: Ten percent (10{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c}) of the purchase price as a cash deposit with the balance due and payable within 30 days of the day of sale.
Richard A. Pill,
Substitute Trustee
P. O. Box 440,
85 Aikens Center, Martinsburg, WV 25404
Phone (304) 263-4971,
Fax (304) 267-5840,
E-mail: [email protected]